Saturday, November 19, 2011

Winner of the Pink By Design Gift Certificate!!!

Happy Saturday night everyone!! I decided to choose the winner from the giveaway the other day! I was soooo touched by all of your traditions for the holidays!!! There are definitely a few that our family is going to "adopt"!! So because it's getting to be the Christmas season, I decided to choose TWO winners!!! The second winner will get a $10 gift certificate to the Pink By Design store! FUN or what?!?!?! choose the winners. The winner of the $20 gift certificate is....

Amy E. from

And the winner of the $10 gift certificate is....

I will be contacting the winners SOON!!! :) 

Thanks sooo much again for sharing your traditions with me!! Happy shopping in the Pink By Design store!!! :)

PS - Pink By Design is having a 18% off sale right NOW!! Use code: 
thankful18 (expires at midnight)


Jessica Buffa said...

You are such a doll! That is wonderful news. I will gladly await your message and be sure to be on the lookout for the MITTMM post that will include a proper shout out to you and PBD!

Amy E said...

Yay!! I'm so excited!!! Thank you thank you!!!

Jessica Buffa said...

Hi Candace, I just stopped by to see some of your latest and greatest. I realized I never heard from you, but no worries. I hope all is well and just wanted to be sure if you contacted me, that you didn't think I was ignoring you! I just didn't get the message!
All of your latest creations are FABULOUS. The 3D tree is an absolute favorite and I am DEFINITELY snagging the idea!